Green Product Award 2021

January 2021
Category: Awards

Get to know our nominees better, and give them your vote. Together for the future and the beauty of our cities.

“Let‘s design the future together,” announced the judges for the 2021 Green Product Award, and we responded by entering a few of our own products. We are delighted that eBlocq and Elk have recieved nominations for this prestigious award for sustainable products, services and concepts. The theme of this year‘s event is, Future Village‘, with a focus on a sustainable lifestyle, and accommodation. Combining aesthetics, functionality and sustainability comes naturally to us. We carefully select materials, approach design with love, and think of every last detail during the manufacturing process. Design that stands the test of time.

Charging, storage and a place to rest your legs — all of this is offered by the eBlocq bench, a design by David Karásek.
Six lockable boxes are built into the bench, expanding the successful Blocq range. There is no ungainly cupboard — in its place is a multifunctional seat. eBlocq embodies the smart cities concept thanks to its sleek form and intelligent design. In the city this will come in particularly handy for anyone who comes by e-bike to sort something out at the office, while serving everyone else equally well as an unconventional bench. In schools, sports facilities and hotels, and in restaurants near cycleways too, eBlocq can become an integral part of local e-mobility infrastructure. For eBlocq vote here

We unveiled the Elk bicycle stand a year ago already, and ever since it has turned heads and evoked emotions. It stands out for its slim lines and is beautiful even when no-one‘s around. Elk’s intelligent design was drawn up by David Karásek and designer duo Herrmann&Coufal.

The need for free and fast movement around cities has led to the development of a network of cyclepaths, and, in turn, supplementary furniture. Bicycle stands have become functional sculptures, objects which blend with their surroundings while also giving them a whole new purpose. Like the full-stop at the end of a sentence. The minimalistic design of the Elk bicycle stand plays on the outline of a deformed elipsis firmly planted on the pavement. Its clean aesthetic makes it easy to incorporate into any project, whether the architecture is historical or contemporary. For Elk vote here

Green is good for your eyes. We see that as a plus.
